Massage Therapies

Massage Therapies

The Sanctuary Massage

A relaxing, traditional massage to loosen tight muscles, increase circulation and restore flexibility. This massage is a combination of long and soothing stokes. The perfect massage for the first time spa go-er!

60 min.: $85

90 min.: $125


Choose from a bouquet of pure essential scented oils. A relaxing massage that calms the body, mind and spirit.

60 min.: $90

90 min.: $130


This massage is specifically designed for the avid athlete. This invigorating massage will aid in joint mobility and assist in removing toxins out of sore muscles.

60 min.: $95

90 min.: $135


A nurturing massage utilizing oils, gels, and pre-natal pillows specific to the needs of upcoming motherhood.

60 min.: $85

Back/or Foot Massage

30 min.: $70


Shoulder, neck, face and scalp massage with steam towels and essential oils.

30 min.: $70